Saturday, April 30, 2011


Everytime I enter a giveaway, I wait anxiously to find out if I won or not.  Checking the blog time after time with the hope that my name pops up.  I figured if you all are like me, you would want to wait till tonight when I'll do my normal post to find out who won the SPIbelt.  So to put an end to all the nailbiting:

*Drumroll please* The winner is....

from Family Toy Box

Congratulations Cara!  I will be contacting you soon with more information. Those of you that didn't win, you can still order one from the website, and right now they have FREE SHIPPING!!  Thanks to all of you that entered and I hope you continue to enjoy following me journey with me.

*Update, Cara just informed me that today she just ran her first 5k!!!!  Double Congrats Cara!!!!

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