It really only lasted through two songs and M disappeared into her toy room. With S asleep, I decided to turn on a video to get some more activity in. As soon as I turned it on, S woke up and M came running out. My husband got to see first hand why I can't work out at home. I'm trying to do this great lunge move and both girls are balling at my feet, trying to climb into my arms. All this, while their daddy is a foot away trying to get their attention. None of it, they just want momma, but today I didn't give in. Now, I understand it is really important to play with my kids. I love to, in fact. However, in case you doubt my motives, the INSTANT I turn off my video both girls stop crying give me kisses and leave. I waited a few minutes, pretty sure they were busy again. I turn it back on and....crying, clamoring, they are back. Yeah. They don't care if I actually play with them, they just don't want me doing a workout video.
And that, my friends, is why I rarely cross-train. Running takes me out of the house and they are ok with that. If I'm home, I must not do anything, even if daddy is around. Oh well.....At least I have them and they want me. I know all too soon that will end. I better enjoy it while I can.
Been little one is the same way.