It has been a long time since I've been on here and, frankly, almost everything has changed. My goals are all different now and my running has changed quite a bit. That said, I am sticking to my resolution and still running, it's just different.
In January, my husband and I found out we are expecting our third child. Well, that threw any hopes of running my first half-marathon this year right out the window. Postpone that one till next year. So, my major goal for the year was gone. Eh, that's okay, I just set a new one. I had spent the last year teaching myself to like running and building up enough endurance to run for 30 minutes without walking, a HUGE deal for me. I did NOT want to give that up. I've worked to hard to follow the path of my last two pregnancies. That path included and almost completely sedentary life with a weight gain of between 20 and 40 pounds. Not good for someone my size. Therefore, my new resolution was to run/walk one 5k each month during my pregnancy. I talked with my doctor and, after cautioning me to be careful and listen to my body, he gave me the green light. I'm not allowed to increase mileage, but I can do it for as long as I feel ok.
How am I doing with that? Well, last weekend I ran my 5th 5k in six months. Not too bad. Since I haven't really being blogging. (who am I kidding, I haven't looked at my blog since January) I'm pretty sure I won't get to full recaps for all of my races.'s the condensed version:
January: Technically, this one was one the 31st of December. It was an end of year 5k with some amazing people in a local running club. Finished in 42:15. Most interesting part, I lost my car keys so we had to walk back along the path to find them. Since then, any time we run together, they all make sure I have my keys :)
February: I was supposed to do a sweetheart race but had to back out because of a horrible cold. I figured if I could barely breath sitting still, running was probably not the best idea.
March: Smithfield Shamrock Shuffle. I went into this with the goal of not walking at all. That fell through when the first 1/2 mile was uphill into a killer headwind. I did manage to run the rest of it though. Finished in 43:06
April: Pink Series 5k. Awesome course, all downhill. I finally made my goal of running and entire 5k with no walking and a HUGE PR. It may have been a little cheat because of the course, but I'll take it! Time 39:49
May: EIF Revlon Run/walk for women Such an incredible experience. I didn't race this one, instead I walk with I don't know how many other people through the streets of LA to raise money for research on women's cancer. The most amazing part was getting to walk with my sister, a breast cancer survivor. Thanks to an early mammogram, her cancer was caught in the very beginning stages and she has been cancer free for two years. Don't put it off ladies. Time 67:21
June: Bear Lake 5k. This was just last weekend. Gorgeous day, perfect weather and my beautiful little family waiting for me at the finish. I'm definitely slowing down, but at almost six months along, I'm ok with that. Time 46:18. Oh yeah, one of my best friends and her husband ran their first half-marathons this weekend too, they finished in 2:09:12. It was so fun to watch them cross that finish line and I'm super proud of their time!
Well, that brings you all up to date with where I am now. This afternoon is another check-up with the doc. Based on my home scale I'm only up about 5 lbs so far, but we'll see what the official number is...
Mommy to Marathon
My journey to health
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
I wish I had some super cute pictures of my family opening presents, or the neighbor gifts I gave out, or even of our tree. But...I don't. I spent this morning recording on the video camera and neglected my other. Sad day. Anyway, My husband surprised me this year with something WONDERFUL! A Kindle Touch. I'm really excited and I love it. So, of course, as soon as it was charged I had to find some books to purchase. First ones I found? Runner's World Essential Guides: Weight Loss and Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running. Yup, two running books. I am also seriously considering Run Less, Run Faster. I've heard lots of good things about that training program. Looking at my book choices, I might want to consider a subscription to Runner's World. Apparently, I like their stuff..
Well, I'm really looking forward to reading both of the books I bought and focusing on my half-marathon goal for 2012. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
*By the way, I also bought The Help and I'm loving it so far!
Well, I'm really looking forward to reading both of the books I bought and focusing on my half-marathon goal for 2012. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
*By the way, I also bought The Help and I'm loving it so far!
Monday, December 19, 2011
A new chapter begins
Anyone who has made a major change in their life knows how great it is to have a partner along for the ride. Someone who had the same goals, can perk you up when you are feeling down, is there to support, and, yes, there for you yourself to support. I always feel I can do better if I'm helping someone along the same path as myself. For some reason it just gives me more drive in my goals. Well, this week I have been joined in my fitness goals. Not just running, but eating better and losing weight to feel better. I'm so excited because, though I've had great friends there to support me along the journey, I now have my BEST friend!
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Our wedding day. I was 190 lbs, the lowest I could remember having weighed in my life. |
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This summer, I was 266. The highest I have ever been. |
My husband and I will be working together to eat healthier and be more active. This will make meal planning so much easier and *hopefully* fewer temptations. D and I are both sugar junkies. Especially ice cream and oreos, sometimes eaten separately but most of the time mixed in the form of a shake. This will be good. I can't wait to see how much better we both feel and I'm excited for the examples we are setting for our girls. I hope to look like my wedding pictures again, and perhaps even better. With twenty pounds down since this summer, I'm on my way.
Monday, December 12, 2011
update and some running gear deals
Obviously I have been gone for a bit. These last few months have been full and I don't see myself coming back to my regular blogging schedule for a little while longer. That said, I scored some awesome running gear deals that I just had to share for those, like me, who are on a tight budget.
-Old Navy had a discount code for 30% off right now. I love their compression gear and I scored a pair of capris (I know, wrong season, but a deal is a deal) for $10.50 and a moisture-wicking jacket for $29.50. I'm so excited and can't wait for that package to come. By the way, the code is HOLIDAY
-My one and only BondiBand decided to take off last week. I was so sad that it dissapeared but it gave me a reason to buy some more. Finally. I used the code FIVE to get five new BondiBands for $25. A little bit more than a replacement, but hey, I'm worth it.
Quick update on me and running.
-I have lost almost 20 pounds! I participated in a local weightloss challenge and took third place and I feel so good.
-I can now run for at least 15 minutes without walking. That is huge for me since until September I had never run for more than five minutes at a time.
-I have a tentative half marathon planned for April 2012. There are a few factors that may change that. However, if they fall through, I start training on December 26th and I can't wait!
-Old Navy had a discount code for 30% off right now. I love their compression gear and I scored a pair of capris (I know, wrong season, but a deal is a deal) for $10.50 and a moisture-wicking jacket for $29.50. I'm so excited and can't wait for that package to come. By the way, the code is HOLIDAY
-My one and only BondiBand decided to take off last week. I was so sad that it dissapeared but it gave me a reason to buy some more. Finally. I used the code FIVE to get five new BondiBands for $25. A little bit more than a replacement, but hey, I'm worth it.
Quick update on me and running.
-I have lost almost 20 pounds! I participated in a local weightloss challenge and took third place and I feel so good.
-I can now run for at least 15 minutes without walking. That is huge for me since until September I had never run for more than five minutes at a time.
-I have a tentative half marathon planned for April 2012. There are a few factors that may change that. However, if they fall through, I start training on December 26th and I can't wait!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Are you an under, over, or neutral?
Pronater, that is. I did some high tech research, took hours evaluating and studying....Ok really, I just searched "over pronate" on the internet and I actually under pronate. There is a super easy way to tell which one you are, just look at the wear on an old pair of shoes. I actually found these two great videos that explain what is happening when you run, how to tell, and what kind of shoes you should get based on your gait.
So why all this talk about the way I run? Well, it's time for new shoes. Again. I didn't realize how quickly I would go through a pair of shoes, especially since I just went and bought the cheapest pair. At Kohls. Without talking to ANYONE who runs. Or even looking at my old pair of shoes. I know, I know. I'm still getting used to the idea of spending $100+ on a pair of shoes. At least they were Asics. I took the easy way out. Or so I thought.

You see, lately I've been having quite a bit of trouble with my ankle. It's weird because I've actually cut back on my mileage. Then one day I looked at my shoes. The soles are completely worn down on the outer edge. I under-pronate. But, to make matters worse, I bought a shoe for OVER-pronating. Not good. They are correcting a problem I never had, and making the one I do have worse. So I'm looking for some new shoes that are neutral. I'm thinking New Balance, mostly because that was my first pair of running shoes and I love them! However, I do want some advice, are there any other under-pronaters out there? What shoes do you recommend? Don't worry, I'll be going to my local running store as well, I'm just curious about your experiences.
So why all this talk about the way I run? Well, it's time for new shoes. Again. I didn't realize how quickly I would go through a pair of shoes, especially since I just went and bought the cheapest pair. At Kohls. Without talking to ANYONE who runs. Or even looking at my old pair of shoes. I know, I know. I'm still getting used to the idea of spending $100+ on a pair of shoes. At least they were Asics. I took the easy way out. Or so I thought.

Monday, September 12, 2011
A little hiatus...
...but I think I'm back.
In case you haven't noticed, it's been awhile since I blogged. I'm sad to say it's been awhile since I ran as well. I'm not really sure what happened. I finished my 10k, which was amazing! I even sprinted at the end to pass another runner, thanks to her encouragement (nothing gets the blood pumping like the person next to you yelling "Go, go, GO!") And then....I just sort of quit. My ankle and knee were hurting for the first few weeks I took off. A ligitimate reason to take it easy, but the next three? I really had no excuse. Yes, I need new shoes, and it might be a little bit before I get them, but there is still some use left in the pair I have. What really happened?
My 10k was a big milestone. 6.2 miles with a hill, and I did it. I had finished. Now what? Yes, my next goal is to run a half-marathon, but honestly, I don't know when, and after the 10k I really felt that I couldn't do it yet. So I'm putting that one off for a bit. That left me with no goal, no training plan. So what did I do? I gave up. I came up with excuse after excuse not to get out and run. Well, that ends today.
This morning I awoke at 6 a.m. and was out the door by 6:15. It felt so good. I was much slower than I've been, at times I felt I was running through jello, but I did it. I have a goal, a training plan and it feels good. Up until now, I've been doing the walk/run plan but I really would love to run a 5k without walking. Hey, I'd even settle for a mile without walking. I was going through some old training plans and found one that takes eight weeks to get you running 30 minutes straight. I'm starting on week two because the first one is 1/2 Run/walk...I'm a little beyond that. So for the next seven weeks I will be out there four days a weeks building running time, not miles. I'm excited and it gives me a reason to blog again. The reason I haven't been blogging? Well, thats another story, which I may share.....later.
In case you haven't noticed, it's been awhile since I blogged. I'm sad to say it's been awhile since I ran as well. I'm not really sure what happened. I finished my 10k, which was amazing! I even sprinted at the end to pass another runner, thanks to her encouragement (nothing gets the blood pumping like the person next to you yelling "Go, go, GO!") And then....I just sort of quit. My ankle and knee were hurting for the first few weeks I took off. A ligitimate reason to take it easy, but the next three? I really had no excuse. Yes, I need new shoes, and it might be a little bit before I get them, but there is still some use left in the pair I have. What really happened?
My 10k was a big milestone. 6.2 miles with a hill, and I did it. I had finished. Now what? Yes, my next goal is to run a half-marathon, but honestly, I don't know when, and after the 10k I really felt that I couldn't do it yet. So I'm putting that one off for a bit. That left me with no goal, no training plan. So what did I do? I gave up. I came up with excuse after excuse not to get out and run. Well, that ends today.
This morning I awoke at 6 a.m. and was out the door by 6:15. It felt so good. I was much slower than I've been, at times I felt I was running through jello, but I did it. I have a goal, a training plan and it feels good. Up until now, I've been doing the walk/run plan but I really would love to run a 5k without walking. Hey, I'd even settle for a mile without walking. I was going through some old training plans and found one that takes eight weeks to get you running 30 minutes straight. I'm starting on week two because the first one is 1/2 Run/walk...I'm a little beyond that. So for the next seven weeks I will be out there four days a weeks building running time, not miles. I'm excited and it gives me a reason to blog again. The reason I haven't been blogging? Well, thats another story, which I may share.....later.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Last of the Virtual Insanity 5k's
The ladies over at Mom's Run This Town have been so awesome this summer! Each month they've had a different virtual 5k race with some great prizes (I really hope I win this month, free fuel belt!) I can't believe it's already August and the summer is almost over. That means the series is at an end and for this month RoadID is sponsoring the race. Not sure what the prize is yet, but you can bet it will be good.
So what are you waiting for? Head over to the MRTT website and register. Be sure to tell them I sent you, then go and finish this series with a bang!
So what are you waiting for? Head over to the MRTT website and register. Be sure to tell them I sent you, then go and finish this series with a bang!
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