Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I wish I had some super cute pictures of my family opening presents, or the neighbor gifts I gave out, or even of our tree.  But...I don't.  I spent this morning recording on the video camera and neglected my other.  Sad day.  Anyway, My husband surprised me this year with something WONDERFUL!  A Kindle Touch.  I'm really excited and I love it.  So, of course, as soon as it was charged I had to find some books to purchase.  First ones I found?  Runner's World Essential Guides: Weight Loss and Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running.  Yup, two running books.  I am also seriously considering Run Less, Run Faster.  I've heard lots of good things about that training program.  Looking at my book choices, I might want to consider a subscription to Runner's World.  Apparently, I like their stuff..
Well, I'm really looking forward to reading both of the books I bought and focusing on my half-marathon goal for 2012. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

*By the way, I also bought The Help and I'm loving it so far!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Years Liz!!!So fun to run with you last Saturday. Glad we found your keys!!! Looking forward to our next get together! PS, loved your hair in the 2 CUTE!
