I LOVE keeping track and charting things. On any given day you will find me making small calendars to track certain goals, logging things away. One thing I loved about the treadmill was instantly seeing how far I had gone and how fast. Then the next time I would see if I could do any better. I've since found out that the speed trackers in treadmills aren't entirely accurate. No wonder I could do a 12 minute mile on the treadmill but on the road I could only make it 3/4 of a mile before I would have to stop. It's just not the same folks.
Now where was I.....oh yeah, obsessively tracking things. The runkeeper app is what convinced me to finally join the world of smartphones. After my contract finally ended with the old phone, we went and bought me samsung intercept. First thing I did when I got home? Downloaded runkeeper. The free version, I just couldn't make myself pay for the pro yet. It was fine, tracked my distances but that was about it. Then came the new year and with that, an awesome gift. Runkeeper let everyone download the Pro version...for free! This was MUCH cooler. The running I do usually involves walking intervals(in case you hadn't noticed) And the pro has coaching on it. I simply program either how long or how far I want to run or walk and a nice ladies voice comes on and tells me when to switch. I love it. I didn't have to look at my phone to see when it was time to run anymore, I just listen for the voice. For those of you who don't walk when your out, the intervals are actually labeled slow, steady and fast. That way, if you are doing speed intervals, you know when to kick it up a notch. Another feature (that I haven't tried yet, it costs more money) is the fitness class. They have these pre-programed schedules that you can download made by professionals.
So thats it, a [not so quick] rundown of the tracking program I use. I like and haven't really looked for anything else yet. When I get more comfortable with my skills I may look into new apps, or *gasp* pay for a Garmin! But not yet.
*All opinions expressed are my own, I didn't receive any compensation for this"review" In fact, runkeeper doesn't even know I wrote it. I just like the app that much ;)
I love my RunKeeper app. I don't do a run without it. :-) Good luck this weekend!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to wish you GOOD LUCK on your first 5K!!! I'm doing a trial "run" (get it?) with my back this week...and if all goes well I"m going to be running my first 5K in May to!!! Wahoo!!! Also "practicing" w/ the JElly BEan virtual race :) :) ARe you in on it?
ReplyDeleteAGAIN GOOD LUCK!!!!
Thanks for the good luck wishes! Kim-I hope your trial run goes well. Injuries are hard. I can't wait to see how both of you do in the jelly bean race next week. I'm pumped to do two races in two weeks!